
The ancient medical practice of acupuncture dates back more than 5000 years to China. Its foundation is the idea of balancing Qi - the vital energy that flows through the body’s meridians. Acupuncture, which involves putting tiny needles into particular body points, helps restore equilibrium because in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), disease results from a disruption in the flow of Qi. Regardless of the method, acupuncture is generally painless and frequently results in sensations of warmth or heavy sensation as well as the flow of energy. The reason for these sensations is that acupuncture points function similarly to the valves in an aqueduct system. When the points are stimulated, they open a valve, so the excess or stagnant Qi can disperse. If Qi or blood is deficient, stimulation of certain points may close a valve, so that the essential substances can accrue as needed. Once this is done, the distribution of essential substances throughout the whole system of channels becomes more evenly balanced, allowing a smoother flow into all areas of the body. Acupuncture replenishes energy on a physical and spiritual level by adjusting the Qi and blood to restore and maintain balance between Yin and Yang, which helps to prevent various disorders, protect the organs, and maintain healthy joints
Conditions Treated
Acute and Chronic pain
Spine Health
GI disorders
Nerve pain
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Sports injury
Autoimmune diseases
Mental Health